NAI cranes: 
North American Industries has a wide selection of crane replacement parts in stock to meet any demand. We supply parts for all our cranes as well as parts from all major hoist manufacturers.
Non-NAI crane(s):
In addition to the crane(s) supplied to you by North American Industries, do you have cranes from different manufacturers and find that you waste valuable time trying to source parts for these cranes? Let North American Industries supply these crane parts for you.
Recommended List of Spare Parts
Maximize your up-time/Minimize your down-time
Call our Parts Department and ask for a Recommended List of Spares for your NAI crane. Replacements can be installed immediately from your inventory, minimizing your down time.
Powerlift hoists
Our company is also a leading supplier of Powerlift hoists (otherwise known as Nitchi). If you have Powerlift hoists in your facility, you will find all the replacement parts you need right here with us.
In addition to replacement spare parts, our engineering strength allows us to retrofit your older crane with new components – providing you the benefit of new equipment with warranty at a fraction of the cost. Typical retrofits include new, state-of-the-art controls, including variable frequency drives and remote controls.
After-Hours Hotline:
Our Parts Department understands your needs and is available after-hours on our customer service hotline to supply you with replacement parts as fast as possible. We are constantly striving to provide our customers with repair solutions, and to get parts to where they are most valuable: ON YOUR CRANE.
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