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Why get rid of an old crane that can be restored?

Crane restoration can be a sound investment and a more economical alternative to total replacement of equipment. North American Industries has the engineering expertise for crane repair and refurbishment to extend the lives and productivity of your cranes.

No matter who the original manufacturer was, North American Industries can use our components to rebuild your existing crane so that it functions just as well as it would if it were brand new. This option is particularly appropriate for DC-operated cranes or older cranes, where maintenance parts are expensive and often not readily available.

Rebuilding your existing crane...

North American Industries can provide any or all of the following:

  1. A site visit which will yield a comprehensive proposal of the components that should be replaced or restored
  2. A total overhaul replacing or rebuilding worn, damaged, or defective components such as: crane repair
    • end trucks
    • wheels
    • drives
    • motors
    • hoists
    • electrical controls
  3. Functional tests and a total quality check
  4. Repainting, rewiring, and most other repairs
  5. Reinstallation

Sometimes the best solution isn't a brand new crane.

Because North American Industries has over 35 years of experience in the crane industry, we can evaluate each individual case and advise on the best course of action, whether it be restoration of the existing crane or replacement with a new crane. We'll give you an honest appraisal based on a solid foundation of crane knowledge.

Request Information/Quote

Please fill out company, name, and phone below. When you are finished, click on submit. You may also call 800-847-8470 to request information about crane refurbishment and restoration.

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