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Installation Options

North American Industries gives you choices, not excuses.

NAI has installed cranes around the world, and we are continually investing in state-of-the-art laser alignment instrumentation, custom-built rail jigs, adjustable runway tie-backs, and other specialized tools designed to provide clean, accurate, quick installations in all 50 states.

What’s even more important is that our people know how to save you time and money, without compromising the quality of your installation. Because our goal is to help you achieve the best installation at minimum cost, we offer four options:

1. We do a turnkey installation
Our expert staff does everything. We have the tools and experience to make the job completely hassle-free.

2. You provide some equipment
If you have the necessary welding apparatus, forklifts, man-lifts, and / or scaffolding, you can save money by letting us “borrow” your equipment. Our people still do all the work, and bring our specialized tools to you.

3. You provide some manpower
We provide a working supervisor, who brings all the tools and equipment needed. He works alongside your employees, directing them as his helpers to install your crane—but there is no sitting on the sideline. North American takes complete charge of the process and ensures a smooth installation. Best of all, if you choose to provide some helpers, they are sure to learn a great deal about crane operation and maintenance.

4. You provide manpower and equipment
With this option, North American still takes complete charge of the process and ensures a smooth installation, but you save even more money. We provide a working supervisor who directs your employees and uses your welding apparatus, forklifts, man-lifts, and / or scaffolding.

In most cases...
American completes the installation by performing load tests prior to start up, tuning the crane for peak operating efficiency, conducting operator training and providing instruction on basic maintenance procedures.

Review and Start-up Service
If you choose to install your crane yourself, you can also hire our installation specialists to review your installation, and make sure that your crane operates safely, reliably and meets all codes.

Cost Comparison Chart
For a ten-ton, 60-foot span crane
Installation Option Price
Turnkey Installation and Delivery (we do it all) $19,100
Installation and Delivery with "borrowed helpers" (you provide some labor) $13,425
Installation and Delivery with "borrowed equipment" (you provide some equipment) $12,335
Installation and Delivery with "borrowed helpers and borrowed equipment" $6,655

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