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Companies in this business—which continues to be of great importance to the world economy, as well as national security—have had to cut costs and operate as efficiently as possible to respond to the changing needs of a global market.

Peak efficiency means having reliable, durable equipment that doesn’t cost you unnecessary money with downtime or repairs, and an overhead bridge crane from North American Industries is the best solution for your industry’s demands.

We understand your industry, and we understand your application. We know that quite often you need peak performance at high capacities, often with very large dimensions. A heavy-duty crane from North American is built in capacities up to 100 tons with spans up to 100 feet, and custom-designed to your particular facility, application and specifications every time.

North American cranes are versatile and easy to use--whether remote-controlled, cab-operated, or floor-operated. They can withstand the elements at an outdoor dry-dock or shipyard with our specialized watertight electrical enclosure packages.

Or perhaps you’re a smaller facility building boats and yachts; you, too, can take advantage of North American Industries’ versatility when it comes to designing and engineering its products, as well as our extensive experience across a wide variety of industries. Use a North American crane for setting ribs, raising and lowering engines, and lifting your entire vessel when it is completed. Our cranes can be built with multiple hoists, trolleys, or other special customizations, and our runway options are nearly unlimited when it comes to fitting your facility and meeting your particular needs.

Most of all, we back up our products with a two-year warranty—twice the industry standard—and unparalleled customer service, with special service centers in all 50 states, as well as a 24-hour customer service hotline at our headquarters. If you are in the market for an overhead lifting system, call North American—an experienced name you can trust.


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