Potential Cost-Saving Alternative to
More Complex Crane Systems
This type of crane consists of a pivoting head and boom assembly which carries a
hoist and trolley unit. The pivoting head is supported either by a floor-mounted mast providing 360 degree boom rotation or by an existing building column which provides 180 degrees of boom rotation.
- Capacities to 10 tons
- 360 º or 180º rotation
- Motorized or manual rotation
- Complete units or money-saving kits
- Baseplate, pipe, wall or column mounted systems
- simpler and less expensive than bridge or gantry
- precise spotting for light loads (e.g. a few hundred pounds or less)
Common Applications:
The most common
applications for jibs are individual
workstations; e.g., machine tools,
welding/fabrication stations, and
some small assembly stations. They
are also often used in simple loading
/ unloading operations
where it is not necessary to spot
a load precisely.
Jib cranes most often handle lighter loads at lower duty cycles than their bridge and gantry crane counterparts.
A "classic" application for jibs is to outfit an assembly floor with a series of jibs at individual workstations, which are then supported by an
overhead crane to lift / carry full assemblies. The hook coverage is limited to the
boom length (typically a maximum of
20 ft.). The hook operates
along a boom which rotates about a
fixed point.
If there is a need for precise locating of heavy loads, a large area of hook coverage, or frequent use for heavy loads, the
jib crane may not be the best solution.