NAI Designs a Custom Radial Crane for the University of Michigan
March 2007
North American Industries (NAI) recently custom-designed a 5 ton pivoting circular crane for the engineering building at the University of Michigan, Dearborn. The crane was built with one side riding on a square bar around a center pole and the other side running on a runway. With a runway radius of 53 feet and the ability to lift loads up to 30 feet high, the volume of the cylinder in which the hoist operates is nearly 29,400 cubic yards.
The crane will be used in research by faculty and students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems. Because the crane is operating in an education building, safety was also an important issue. NAI supplied OSHA safety equipment (such as a main line disconnect at the pendant, high energy rubber bumpers, and high visibility capacity signs). The crane has now been up and running since September.