Transfer carts, also known as rail carts, are wheel-mounted platforms that ride on crane rails or directly on the ground. They can be designed to have fixed platforms or platforms that rise and lower as needed.
Electric-powered transfer carts have virtually unlimited load capacities and are more commonly found in heavy-load applications.
Common Uses of Transfer Carts
Common uses of transfer carts include:
Moving heavy loads between building bays, where overhead cranes are not feasible
Moving from point-to-point work areas, such as from one work station to another
Advantages of Transfer Carts
Customers often prefer transfer carts because:
They are significantly less expensive than air caster systems with comparable load and duty cycle characteristics
They experience virtually no downtime and require minimal maintenance
Unlike air casters, they are simple to use and require minimal training
They run on electric power and do not require compressed air feeds
They have very long life expectancy
They can be built to withstand almost continuous duty cycles
NAI Designs and Fabricates Transfer Carts to Complement a Facility’s Overhead Crane Layout
We consider the entirety of your material handling needs in designing crane systems and transfer cart configurations and layouts. You can rely on us to guide you through the planning and execution phases of your project.