NAI Solutions
North American Industries is pleased to bring you the first issue of our quarterly customer e-newsletter designed to keep our customers informed and answer your crane questions.

Issue 1 (May 2007)

The Importance of Crane Inspections?

Regular inspection & maintenance are not only required by OSHA (whose mandates are federal law), but inspections will also:

  • Prevent accidents and maintain safe operation of your crane
  • Avoid unnecessary interruptions in production
  • Ensure peak efficiency throughout your crane’s long life
  • Address potential problems before they become more costly or inconvenient
  • Reduce overhead costs associated with parts, lubricants and tools
  • Reduce downtime by scheduling when production will not be interrupted

Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards (OSHA 1910.179) require regular crane inspections. The inspection requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI B30.2, B30.11 and B30.17) should also be followed.

For clarification about OSHA regulations, ANSI requirements, or to learn about NAI's inspection services, please call 800 847-8470 ext.131 or visit: We offer a variety of crane services such as inspection, training, and maintenance (collectively known as CRISP).


Did you know that you can purchase replacement parts from NAI to fit a crane from any manufacturer? (For parts call 800 847-8470 ext.104). NAI also has the ability to restore and upgrade older cranes.

Why should you upgrade to wireless radio remote controls? Wireless controls are state of the art technology that can increase safety by allowing the crane operator to stand away from the load. They are also ideal if there are obstacles on the factory floor restricting the movement of the operator. Some remote control models have a range up to 500 feet. They are also easy to use, durable and lightweight. The remote is made from durable, shock resistant fiber reinforced nylon, and it weighs between 5 and 11 ounces.


Crane Project Highlight

When it became necessary that the Whitestone Bridge in New York be redecked, cranes were needed to move equipment from one side of the bridge to the other as the project progressed. The Whitestone Bridge is over 7000 feet long and is one of the three major bridges connecting New York City to the surrounding boroughs. North American Industries (NAI) custom-designed, manufactured, and installed four 30 ton gantry cranes for the application. The cranes were designed to accommodate the significant flexing of the bridge which changed dramatically depending on whether traffic was inbound or outbound. In addition, the cranes were designed to negotiate the longitudinal slope of the bridge. The end truck motors were sized to allow the cranes to travel up and down a maximum slope of 4%, carrying the full capacity load. NAI also built full length catwalks on one side of each crane for easy access above active travel lanes.

While designing, NAI had to consider the effects of wind, rain, snow, and ice. North American Industries overcame these complexities with weatherproof removable covers over all motors and open gears. There were also heaters in all motors and panels to eliminate any chance of condensation buildup. The cranes were designed to operate at capacity in winds up to 30 miles per hour, in below zero temperatures. Given that the cranes had to work successfully in outdoor conditions without a convenient power source, NAI made the cranes self contained by incorporating a diesel generator mounted on each crane.

Because gantry cranes were used for the redecking project, traffic could flow under the cranes so that the bridge didn’t need to be completely shut down during construction. Many customers find that one of the gantry crane’s biggest benefits is that it can operate in a work-zone of tight dimensional constraints. In the past, highway and heavy construction contractors would almost exclusively use towers and crawlers for job site lifts, but now they are increasingly turning to overhead cranes for bridge, subway, and tunnel construction and repair. Gantry cranes weigh less, placing less stress on soil and structures in the work area. Even if an application is temporary such as the redecking project on the Whitestone Bridge, when the job is complete, the gantry cranes still provide value because they can be reconfigured for another application.

North American Industries has ample experience in cranes for bridge work and construction. Besides the four gantries for the Whitestone Bridge, NAI also custom engineered and manufactured a portable crane for work on several bridges on the Ohio River. In addition, NAI built several cranes for a project on the Queens Boulevard Bridge in New York, and for repair of I-81 in Harrisburg, PA.

Discuss your crane needs with NAI. We spend the time to understand your particular application. To submit a new inquiry or speak with a sales engineer, call 800 847-8470 ext.117 or use our web form

North American Industries is a proud member of the Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA) and the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA). As a member of the CMAA, North American Industries
meets high standards in engineering design, production, and related operations. We don't just sell cranes; we build solutions.

Pick Our CraneBrain with Q&A

Do I need “true vertical lift” as a feature on my hoist?

“True Vertical Lift” refers to lack of any lateral hook drift as the hook moves vertically throughout the full range of motion. Many wire rope hoists are designed with a single part of cable coming off of the hoist drum, which then is reeved through upper and lower sheaves until it dead ends back on the hoist body. As the hook is raised, the cable spools across the drum causing slight lateral movement of the hook, generally in the range of ¼” lateral movement for every 12” of vertical movement. In most applications, this lateral drift is no problem, however, in a few applications this lateral movement can result in damage to product, or worse, damage to valuable tools and fixtures. Wire rope hoists are available in both single reeved and double reeved (true vertical lift) configurations. In the lower capacities (below 30 tons) you will often pay a premium for true vertical lift so it is important to understand if you really need this feature. As an alternative to wire rope hoists, all chain hoists provide true vertical lift by the nature of their design, i.e. a chain passing over a lift wheel rather than spooling across a rope drum. Chain hoists are generally available in capacities up to 20 tons and may represent an economically attractive alternative to wire rope hoists. Work with our sales engineers to determine the most cost effective option to accomodate your lifting requirements.

If you have a question that you would like answered in a future publication, please send to

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North American Industries, Inc.
80 Holton Street, Woburn, MA 01801
phone: 781-897-4100 / toll-free: 800-847-8470
fax: 781-729-3343 /